When can I visit an osteopath with my child?


  • Digestive problems: constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain,… 
  • Bedwetting 
  • Sleeping problems 
  • Musculo-skeletal complaints: headaches, neck pain, back pain, … 
  • Immunity issues : Allergy, eczema, recurring infections : Ear infections, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, … 
  • Problems motor skills : Speech problems, sensory integration problems, laterality disorder, coordination problems, … 
  • Behavioural problems : ADHD, learning difficulties, … 

Any osteopath may treat babies and children, but it is still advisable to choose an osteopath who has specialised or followed additional training in the treatment of babies and children. A child is not a mini-adult and requires a different approach, different examination and treatment methods and, above all, a great deal of familiarity and adaptability (after all, a 2-year-old will not lie still on a treatment table like the average adult). 

It is not the case that an osteopath, for example: can solve a learning or speech disorder, but an osteopathic treatment can indeed support other forms of therapy if a medical cause has been excluded.